This project was submitted for an MSU logo competition. The rules for this competition were to design a dress made of anything but fabric that represents MSU’s logo. I made this piece out of painters tarp, multi-colored lights, and plastic wrap.
Light Dress
This project was submitted for an MSU logo competition. The rules for this competition were to design a dress made of anything but fabric that represents MSU’s logo. I made this piece out of painters tarp, multi-colored lights, and plastic wrap.
Light Dress
This project was submitted for an MSU logo competition. The rules for this competition were to design a dress made of anything but fabric that represents MSU’s logo. I made this piece out of painters tarp, multi-colored lights, and plastic wrap.
Light Dress
This project was submitted for an MSU logo competition. The rules for this competition were to design a dress made of anything but fabric that represents MSU’s logo. I made this piece out of painters tarp, multi-colored lights, and plastic wrap.
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